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System zur Reinigung und Siebung von Ölsaaten sowie zur Vorbehandlung

System zur Reinigung und Siebung von Ölsaaten sowie zur Vorbehandlung

Das Reinigen und Sieben von Ölsaaten ist der erste Schritt im Vorbehandlungsprozess der Ölpresse. Es trennt verschiede;
Modell Nr.HG
Kapazität10 tpd – 1000 tpd
VerfahrenReinigen, Schälen, Trennen
Leistung50 kW-400 kW
Produktionskapazität1000 Stück
Das Reinigen und Sieben von Ölsaaten ist der erste Schritt im Vorbehandlungsprozess der Ölpresse. Es trennt verschiedene Verunreinigungen aus den Samen, entfernt Eisen durch Magnetik, entfernt Steine ​​durch Sieben und entfernt leichte Verunreinigungen durch Wind.
Thus it could be used as complement equipment to extract the oil remained in cake, which gives extra profit to entrepreneurs. Or the solvent extraction could be configured to process raw soybean and some other seeds directly.hus it could be used as complement equipment to extract the oil remained in cake, which gives extra profit to entrepreneurs. Or the solvent extraction could be configured to process raw soybean and some other seeds directly.hus it could be used as complement equipment to extract the oil remained in cake, which gives extra profit to entrepreneurs. Or the solvent extraction could be configured to process raw soybean and some other seeds directly.hus it could be used as complement equipment to extract the oil remained in cake, which gives extra profit to entrepreneurs. Or the solvent extraction could be configured to process raw soybean and some other seeds directly.hus it could be used as complement equipment to extract the oil remained in
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